Customer reference setup
The fields as described in the following subsections are available to control the functionality for customer remittance import available in additional licensed feature Finance utilities - AR utilities.
Customers could have various types of references. This page allows users to set Reference number types that will be used when assigning Customer references to the Customer.
To open the page, navigate to Accounts receivable > Setup > Reference number type.
On the Action Pane, select New and enter the following details.
Field | Description |
Reference number type | Set an unique reference number for each customer reference type. |
Data entity: Reference number type
The following section describes creating customer references against a customer.
To open the page, navigate to Accounts receivable > Customers > All customers.
Select the applicable customer and select Customer references on Customer tab on the ActionPane.
On the Action Pane, select New and enter the following details.
Field | Description |
Customer account | Customer account is automatically assigned based on the selected customer. |
Reference number type | Select the applicable Reference number type as set in the previous section. |
Reference number | Enter the value for the customer reference. |
Active | Set the customer reference as active. Only one active record per Reference number type is allowed per customer. If the customer has existing references for the reference number type, their Active would first need to be changed to No before activating a new record for the type. |
Data entity: Customer references
Customer reference fields are also available on Customer approval in Accounts receivable parameters: