License Manager Web App

License Manager Web App

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License Manager Web App (Upcoming Release - 2024)


The license manager web app has been designed using React JS to enable customer license information management and accessibility across different user groups within an organization.

This includes the following capabilities

How to gain access for your organization?

The web app service access details will be provided upon initial configuration. The nominated organization adminstrators will be registered by the DXC ANZ licensing team and will have full access to grant permission to other users within their organization.

An identity provider will be configured and granted access to the web app to enable users to sign up and sign in to the app using their organization email accounts. Currently only single domain (organization email) per ISV partner is supported.

Sign up and sign in process will fail for non-registered organisation admin, user or domain.

For queries regarding access, please send an email to ECLANZProductSupport@dxc.

Granting access to organization users

This functionality is limited to the organisation administrators.

This includes the following features

A guide detailing instructions for managing users and their access will be provided to the organization admins by the DXC ANZ licensing team

For queries regarding user management, please send an email to ECLANZProductSupport@dxc.

Signing up or signing in

  1. A sign in button is available on the top right hand corner once the web app is accessed via a web browser. Image 3
  2. Once clicked, a popup dialog will be displayed requesting for the email address. Image 3
  3. Next, specify the email address and select submit.
  4. Validates user account, if new then redirects to sign up view.
  5. Verify user account.
  6. Redirects to the organization sign in view.
  7. Upon completion of the organization sign in flow, the user account will be validated

At 3, for first-time sign in only, all web app users will be prompted to sign up.

At 4, the user account is validated against a backend service. This will verify the following

If successful the sign up/sign in process will be completed and user will be redirected to organization sign in view.

If unsuccessful, sign up/sign in will be blocked and an error message will be displayed detailing the reason for failure.


Sign up process

The following view is displayed after submit for the sign up process.

A verification code is required to authorize the email address.

Follow these steps to complete sign up

  1. Select the send verification code. A verification wll be sent to the specified email address
  2. Enter the code in the Verification Code input field
  3. Select Verify Code. All other fields will be enabled for edit after this action.
  4. Provide any other necessesary information and click continue.
  5. Once complete, account will be validated and redirected to organisation sign in

Data table properties

Throughout the application all data is displayed within data tables. This section describes the features available within the data table that is same across all views.

Image 3

  1. The search bar on the top right hand corner of the grid can be used as a wild card search across all records.
  2. On click of all header column cells, the data within the column can be toggled to sort ascending or descending
  3. For all header column cells, clicking on the ellipsis will display more functionality that can be applied to the selected column.
  4. All data is displayed within this grid. For views that support line edit, double click on any row will enable all cells for edit (except for the one’s configured to not allow edit)
  5. The number of rows displayed within the page can be toggled within this option
  6. The arrow keys can be used to traverse between all data within the grid list.

Image 4

  1. Enables users to enable and disable display of columns within the grid Image 5
  2. Allows users to specify filter property for any column.
    All column fields are accessible. Image 6 The following options are available to apply on the filter value Image 7
  3. Density allows users to toggle the data display view of the grid Image 8


This section describes the product information management capabilities available within the Power App.

App Bar Menu Item Name - Products

On load displays the list of all products.

For details on how to the data table functions see Data table properties

Products Details:

Functions available:


This section describes the customer information management capabilities available within the Power App.

App Bar Menu Item Name - Customers

On load displays the list of all customers.

For details on how to the data table functions see Data table properties


Details:Customer Name – Official Name of the customer
Customer Description – Description or a.k.a name for the customer
Customer Region - Used to identify the region of the customer head office
Customer Number – Used to identify the customer in sales/finance systems

Functions available:

Customer Products

This section describes the customer product information management capabilities available within the Power App.

Navigate from Customers View

On load displays the list of all products licensed to the customer.

For details on how to the data table functions see Data table properties



Functions available:

Customer Environments

This section describes the customer environment information management capabilities available within the Power App.

Navigate from Customers View

On load displays the list of all environments licensed to the customer.

For details on how to the data table functions see Data table properties



Functions available:

License Expiry

This section describes the license expiry view.

Navigate from License Expiry View

On load displays the list of all product license expiring or expected to expire.

For details on how to the data table functions see Data table properties

Filter options:


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