Smart Send

Smart Send - Electronic Reporting

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Electronic reporting

Smart send supports the distribution of business documents generated by Electronic Reporting.

Electronic reporting destinations

To enable an Electronic report for use via print management, an Electronic report destination must be created for the report format. While multiple destinations can be enabled using electronic report destinations, at minimum the Smart Send destination must be enabled to send a document via Smart Send.

  1. Navigate to: Organization administration > Electronic reporting > Electronic reporting destinations
  2. Create a new electronic reporting destination record
  3. Select from the Reference field the report format for printing
  4. Create a new file destination
  5. Enter a Name
  6. Select from File component name the report format.
  7. Select Setting to display available print destinations
  8. Select Smart Send
  9. Enable Smart Send

For the newly created Electronic reporting destination to work via print management, the print management configuration needs to be reverted to the default destination. Actively defining Smart Send as a destination via printer setup will not result in a Smart Send email being generated.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate Print management form
  2. Select the report node
  3. For the Destination select to Revert to default printer setup
  4. For the Report format select the Electronic report format

Smart Send button prerequisites

To use the Smart Send button in conjunction with an electronic report format the Allow to set up ER destinations per print management item feature must be enabled. This can be achieved by the following steps;

  1. Navigate to: Workspaces > Feature Management
  2. Select the All tab
  3. Select Allow to set up ER destinations per print management item
  4. Enable
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