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Generic EDI queries

See EDI Core FAQ for generic queries

Fixing Staging-to-Target EDI errors

The following table describes a few staging errors that could be experienced with 3PL inbound documents at the staging to target step. Short description of possible fixes are discussed. After fix, reset status on the staging record and either manually process again or leave for batch to process.

Note: % contains staging data for the record

Picking list registration

Error message Method to fix
Item %, dimensions: % Physical on-hand %=Available % cannot be picked because only % is/are available from the inventory Adjust D365 on-hand if staging record correct
Picking list % is in status Completed The D365 picking list registration has already been completed. Verify if duplication and either fix record’s picking route id or cancel staging record if duplication.
Unable to locate an activated picking list line (Route Id - %, Lot - %, Item - %, Quantity - %, Size - %, Colour - %’, Style - %, Configuration - %, Inventory status - %) Inbound document’s line details don’t match to picking list, compare staging details mentioned in the error.
Picking list route % is in status Completed Staging’s Picking route has already been completed. Verify if duplication. If 3PL is shipping the remainder of a previous pick list, a new D365 picking list needs to be posted and used in staging record. When a picking list registration is received all the quantities not shipped are cancelled and thus a D365 picking route can’t be used for multiple shipments.
Posting Sending document Advanced shipping notice Export to staging completed. Info message that the sales order’s customer is setup to receive Advanced shipping notices (ASN) via EDI, and processing the 3PL’s picking list registration has created the ASN staging record.
Shortpicked line - Item % Lot % Dependent on validation’s Error tolerance for Short pick

Shipment receipt - Purchase order

Error message Method to fix
Receipt list % does not exist for purchase order % The EDI record’s purchase order and receipt combination doesn’t match to D365. Verify and fix staging record.
Delivered batch Id %. Expected batch Id % Dependent on validation’s Error tolerance for Batch id update
Line % Lot % Product dimensions do not match source Staging record line’s product dimensions don’t match the original source D365 transaction that created the shipment advice. Verify and fix staging if required.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % Cannot find location for item % at warehouse %. Either fix staging’s Location or add location in D365 for the 3PL’s warehouse.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % Inventory dimension Inventory status must be specified. Inventory status is required for the transaction and hasn’t been specified in the staging record. Edit staging record’s Inventory status for the applicable line.

Shipment receipt - Transfer order

Error message Method to fix
Transfer order % does not exist Staging record’s Transfer number can’t be found in D365. Fix staging record.
Line does not exist Staging record’s Transfer number and Lot Id doesn’t exist in D365 transfer orders. Verify and fix staging record.

Shipment receipt - Return order

Error message Method to fix
Return order % does not exist Verify if RMA number (ReturnItemNum) is correct in staging
Line does not exist Verify if Lot ID (InventTransId) is correct in staging
Line % Lot % Product dimensions do not match source Staging record line’s product dimensions don’t match the original source D365 transaction that created the shipment advice. Verify and fix staging if required.
Line quantity exceeds return amount Either increase staging record line’s Quantity or increase the D365 return order’s Return quantity
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % Cannot find location for item % at warehouse %. Either fix staging’s Location or add location in D365 for the 3PL’s warehouse.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % Inventory dimension Inventory status must be specified. Inventory status is required for the transaction and hasn’t been specified in the staging record. Edit staging record’s Inventory status for the applicable line.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % The quantity that you have entered exceeds the quantity that it is possible to return. Verify if D365 Return order or Staging quantity is correct.

Shipment receipt - Voyage

Error message Method to fix
Line does not exist Verify if Lot ID is correct in staging
Line % Lot % Product dimensions do not match source Staging record line’s product dimensions don’t match the original source D365 transaction that created the shipment advice. Verify and fix staging if required.
Line item number does not match Staging record’s Item number doesn’t match to source transaction. Verify and fix staging record if required.
Shipment % does not exist Verify if Voyage is correct in staging

Inventory adjustment - Transfer

Error message Method to fix
Batch Id % not found for item % Verify if batch correct. If 3PL can create new batches, assign document setting to trading partner that allows creating new D365 batches. If staging incorrect, edit staging’s Batch number.
Invalid inventory dimensions Inventory dimension(s) specified in staging record is invalid. Verify and either fix staging record, or update D365.
Inventory Status % does not exist. Verify and map staging’s Inventory status to a D365 value in the Inventory status Id mapping assigned to the trading partner.
Item not found: % Can’t find staging’s Item number. Verify which is correct, and either fix staging or D365
Line % Lot % Product dimensions do not match source Staging record line’s product dimensions don’t match the original source D365 transaction that created the shipment advice. Verify and fix staging if required.
Location % does not exist in warehouse %. Verify staging’s Location and either fix staging or add to D365
Blocking status cannot be set for Transfer transactions. Staging’s Inventory status to is flagged as a blocking status, and transfer journal is thus not allowed.
No inventory journal setup in document settings profile Assign a transfer journal in Journal name on the document setting profile
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item number: % From inventory dimensions and To inventory dimensions must be different. Issue with staging as the From batch number and To batch number doesn’t differ. Verify and fix staging.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item number: % Physical on-hand Site=%,Warehouse=%,Batch number=% % cannot be picked because only % is/are available from the inventory for item: %. Not enough on hand stock for required movement journal line, either fix staging or D365.
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item % Inventory dimension Inventory status must be specified. Inventory status is required for the transaction and hasn’t been specified in the staging record. Edit staging record’s Inventory status for the applicable line.

Inventory adjustment - Counting

Error message Method to fix
Batch Id % not found for item % Verify if batch correct. If 3PL can create new batches, assign document setting to trading partner that allows creating new D365 batches. If staging incorrect, edit staging’s Batch number.
Invalid inventory dimensions Inventory dimension(s) specified in staging record is invalid. Verify and either fix staging record, or update D365.
Inventory Status % does not exist. Verify and map staging’s Inventory status to a D365 value in the Inventory status Id mapping assigned to the trading partner.
Item not found: % Can’t find staging’s Item number. Verify which is correct, and either fix staging or D365
Location % does not exist in warehouse %. Verify staging’s Location and either fix staging or add to D365

Inventory adjustment - Reconciliation

Error message Method to fix
Batch Id % not found for item % Verify if batch correct. If 3PL can create new batches, assign document setting to trading partner that allows creating new D365 batches. If staging incorrect, edit staging’s Batch number.
Invalid inventory dimensions Inventory dimension(s) specified in staging record is invalid. Verify and either fix staging record, or update D365
Inventory Status % does not exist. Verify and map staging’s Inventory status to a D365 value in the Inventory status Id mapping assigned to the trading partner.
Item not found: % Can’t find staging’s Item number. Verify which is correct, and either fix staging or D365
Location % does not exist in warehouse %. Verify staging’s Location and either fix staging or add to D365

Inventory adjustment - Movement

Error message Method to fix
Batch Id % not found for item % Verify if batch correct. If 3PL can create new batches, assign document setting to trading partner that allows creating new D365 batches. If staging incorrect, edit staging’s Batch number.
Invalid inventory dimensions Inventory dimension(s) specified in staging record is invalid. Verify and either fix staging record, or update D365
Inventory Status % does not exist. Verify and map staging’s Inventory status to a D365 value in the Inventory status Id mapping assigned to the trading partner.
Item not found: % Can’t find staging’s Item number. Verify which is correct, and either fix staging or D365
Location % does not exist in warehouse %. Verify staging’s Location and either fix staging or add to D365
Posting - Journal Journal: % Line number: % Item number: % Physical on-hand Site=%,Warehouse=%,Location=%,Inventory status=% % cannot be picked because only % is/are available from the inventory for item: %. Not enough on hand stock for required movement journal line, either fix staging or D365.
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